Ufqun atalla Lyrics
عـادتْ أفـانيـنُ بـِمـا
Afaneen returned with that
يـَروي فُـؤادًا قـد ظمـا
Which quenches the hungry heart
زُوّارُهــا مُـتـشـوِّقـونَ
Its visitors are eager
إلى رِضـا ربِّ السّـمـا
To please the lord of the heavens
أهدتهُمُ خيرَ العُلوم
(Afaneen)Gifted them the best of knowledge/science
بتفـاؤِلٍ يَـمحـو الهُـموم
With optimism that erases worries
حتى بَـدَو وكـأنّـهُـم
Until they appeared as though
في ظُلـمـةِ اللَّيـلِ نُجـوم
They are like stars of the dark night
أفـقٌ أطـلَّ إلى المَلا
A horizon that appeared upon creation
يَـبـغي لـهُـم نَيلَ الـعُـلا
It seeks for them the highest of goals